Monday, 14 July 2008

Direct Marketing

At this point I'd like to say a 'Big Sarcastic Thanks' to everyone that works in a management status in 'Direct Marketing'. I think you know who you are. Frankly no matter how good you are at blagging you'll only ever succeed if you're marketing a product that you have some faith and belief in.

That's why Vurtuality is going to be a success.

It's not about double glazing, alarm systems, health (life, death, accident...blah, blah, blah insurance), It's not about selling stupid crap that people don't want. I know I'm having a bit of a rant here. But frankly when someone tries to tell me I haven't the faintest idea about marketing I really want to tell them to go 'screw themselves' and get a life.

Sorry Colin, now you've paid me I wanted to get that out of my system.

*Thanks for nothing*

Now where was I? *giggles*

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